Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Eve

Easter is tomorrow and we have been acting like hermits for about a month now. I haven't attended church in that time, barely left the house unless I had to, you get the picture.
I have been overwhelmed and stressed to the max for over a month. Nothing huge, just all of the everyday little things have gotten to me and I have reached a breaking point. I was in denial until I was ambushed by my Girl Scout co-leaders a few weeks ago. Later that same week, at a MOPs meeting, we had a family counselor give us all a "depression test". We had to answer 15 questions and rate them. We added up the points for each question and answer. Everyone had different scores, but the breakdown was: (I am paraphrasing, but you'll get the idea)
1-5 - you are doing well and have few problems
6-11 - you might want to find someone to talk to (pastor or friend)
12-18 - you need to see a professional
19+ - you need HELP!!

My score was .......22!!!!!!!!!!!

The good news is, I am starting to turn a corner. I am working really hard on sharing my burdens with my DH and journaling and I may vent more here. So, starting this week (tomorrow), my hermiting needs to change. I am the kind of person that thrives on being around others and when I get overwhelmed and depressed, I hide. That is exactly what I shouldn't do, but I do.

So if you know me IRL, and have been wondering where I have been, I'll be back!

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