Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mid-year update

So obviously my goal to write on this blog three times a week hasn't happened thus far. I have a myriad of reasons why, but like armpits, everyone has an excuse and they all stink!
So let's see how well I have done on the other goals for 2013:

1. Go to the beach
Did it! We went to the beach the weekend before Memorial Day. It was awesome and was needed. I spent so much time in the breakers that my family and the friends who went with us had to pull me out of the water to go home. I need to go more often. Water is the way I re-boot when I am having a bad day and after the craziness of life, a trip to the beach was just what I needed.
2. Learn to make cheese
3. Send birthday cards to friends - this has been a goal for a while!
4. Learn to use a sewing machine properly - I know how to hand sew and embroider, but I would love some lessons on how to actually use a machine the right way!
5. Fit into a size 14
6. Run 5x a week
7. Go hiking
8. Blog 3x a week
9. Finish my 215 certification
10. Get my insurance license
11. Go on a date 12 times - this can be with my hubby, by myself or with friends.
I think we have been out twice, not counting trips to run errands. Ugh - this needs some work!
12. Write twice a week
13. Take more pictures - I always forget my camera!
I have taken more pictures and posted them, much to the delight of my FB friends! I don't know if they enjoy them or not, but I feel like one of the cool kids with photographic eidence of my awesomeness.
14. Host a dinner party
15. Build a solar oven
16. Build 3 more raised garden beds
After completely rebuilding the garden this year, we have a total of 8 raised beds, so I totally knocked this one out of the park!
17. Wash my face every night - I admit, most nights I don't!
18. Get my nails done 12 times
I started getting my nails done, went twice and then decided it wasn't in the budget to keep paying someone to do it for me. Its a good thing my daughter has an unhealthy obsession with nail polish and glitter.
19. Read 25 books - This one should not be hard at all.
Done, done, and done. I've probably read close to 50 at this point and have a TBR pile that keeps growing.
20. Do 100 push-ups in one setting - at the moment, I can probably do 2. I have a long way to go to accomplish this one!
21. Be able to do the splits. :)
22. Learn to SCUBA - I learned how to skin dive when I was 12. Time to go to the next level.
23. Go fishing
24. Scrapbook
25. Keep a journal - this is similar to #8
26. Run a 5K in less than 45 minutes
27. Run a 10K in less than 60 minutes - both this and #26 can be accomplished with some great friends and an awesome local trainer. I just need my body to cooperate.
28. Take a cruise
29. Hug my children and hubby and friends everyday
30. Learn how to knit
31. Walk the dogs 3x a week - My daughter walks them everyday, I will just be crashing the party a few times a week.
32. Learn to make sushi
33. Wake up by 5:30am each morning
I wish that this was a habit that was well established. I am a morning person by nature, but being married to someone in the hospitality industry has destroyed that for me. Too many late night shifts and my schedule is so topsy-tuvy. I am recommitting to this one for sure!
34. Eat breakfast - I normally don't eat until 11am or later right now.
35. Grow a big herb garden
My herb garden is crazy. I do want to expand it but will need to wait until our next growing season.
36. Learn to make and use tinctures and herbal medicine
Working on it. My friends are starting to call me Hermione.
37. Try going "no-poo"
38. Detox 6 times
39. Make $2,000 per month - I am biting the bullet and becoming my own boss! Eeeek!
40. Make pasta from scratch
41. Go to the stained glass exhibit
42. Submit my work for publication - I haven't done this in YEARS!
43. Sew a quilt
44. Finish 2 embroidery projects - I have about 12 started. :(
45. Go dancing
46. Go to a U-Pick farm with the family
47. Go kayaking
48. Have lunch at school with the boys twice
49. Ride a horse
50. Swim with dolphins
51. Wear a fun hat to church - I do live in the South after all!
52. Take pin-up girl photos - this probably won't happen until I accomplish #5.
53. Can 200 jars of food
Not to 200 yet, but am probably at 50.
54. Wear a bikini - again, this is dependent on #5!
55. Play poker
56. Build and launch a rocket
58. Bake 100 loaves of bread
59. Plant a rose garden
60. Go to a concert
Went to see the Black Crowes at the House of Blues with a friend. It was awesome!
61. Go miniature golfing
62. Go to the World's Longest Yard Sale
63. Make a space for me
We just rearranged the usage of some of the room in our house and I now have an honest-to-goodness office!
64. Get 4 massages
65. Find and cultivate my "Anne Shirleys". - For those of you reading this who have not read L. M. Montgomery,this would be kindred spirits!
66. Go to bed by 10pm
67. Make a fairy garden
68. Have a tea party
69. Read the Bible everyday
70. Try Yoga
I have been incorporating this into my routines, slowly. It has been helping with my flexibility and breathing.
71. Buy a camping trailer
72. Write love notes to hubby and kiddos
73. Do the Love Dare
74. Complete a 1,000+ puzzle
75. Buy myself flowers
76. Host a game night
77. Get 6 pedicures
78. Go to a baseball game
79. Save $5,000
80. Get my CCP
81. Rock babies at the hospital
82. Moisturize! - can you imagine Cassandra's voice from Doctor Who as you read this?
83. Paint the house
84. Drink 100 oz of water each day
85. Ask for Help - this is a biggie.
86. Install rain barrels
87. Go to the movies by myself - I think this is the scariest item on my list.
88. Cook 15 meals per week
89. Make hubby a priority
90. PRAY
91. Make my bed every morning
92. Watch the sunrise on the lake 12x
93. Do an obstacle race
94. Store enough food for 6 months
95. Zero inbox
96. Plan a road trip
97. Give a sermon
I gave one on March 10th for Scout Sunday. I will be in the pulpit again in a few weeks for our next Youth Sunday.
98. Redo the kitchen
99. Have family portrait done
100. Take a trip with hubby - ALONE!

So at the halfway mark for the year, I have completed 12 out of 100! Oh dear, that's only 12%, not good. I guess that means I need to get my fanny in gear!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow... that list made me tired!!! But is full of awesome things!!! Hugs!!
