Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day of First Grade

Today was the Princess's first day of First Grade. She has the same group of teachers that she had last year, so only her homeroom was different. She looked so cute in her uniform with her lunchbox and backpack. She even came home tonight with homework!
When did she get so grown up??

The Beginning

Well, I guess that since all of my friends are starting blogs, I should jump on the bandwagon and put one together too.

A little about me: I am a thirty-something SAHM, wife, daughter, sister, aunt and friend. I have three beautiful children that I call the Princess, the Philosopher and Sherman (like the tank). When I am not running around after them, I am meeting the needs of my husband and best friend, whom I call the Sci Fi Guy.
I love to putter in my rose garden and dream of being June Cleaver. I am a wannabe writer who needs to finish a writing project and send it on its way. I am a closet Drama Queen who likes to be the center of attention, but I am learning to share the spotlight. I embroider, cook, bake when I am stressed and spread myself too thin. I am expanding my view of my faith and learning more everyday about what I believe and why.

I hope that this blog is entertaining to some and enlightening to others. I promise to try and not be boring!